Atlanta – Feb 04 2015
Please mark your calendars for our February EuroCircle Get-together which will take place on Wednesday, February 4th at the brand new EURO MEDITERRANEAN HOOKAH LOUNGE located in the old Vin Vie Bistro building on 2285 Peachtree Road (also the former TANTRA).
There is free parking around the venue as well as complimentary valet parking. We will also have complimentary appetizers and a $7 Euro specialty cocktail as well as a discounted rate for those who wish to partake in relaxing at a Hookah table.
I visited the place this past weekend and it was a great experience. Most of you know the old venue from previous get-togethers we have had there so please join us for a fun evening in February.
A volunteer PAPARAZZI needed for the evening, help us out taking photos that evening, please!
Please invite all your international friends…
Looking forward to seeing everyone next month!!!
Salutations – David
(EuroCircle Atlanta)