EuroCircle started in 1999 as a free online informal community for European professionals and Europhiles (anyone interested in Europe) and has now grown to more than 100,000 members. With no political, religious or ethnic affiliations, EuroCircle is a place where you can exchange ideas, tips, professional contacts and make friends. You can meet people offline at our local events or online through our membership features. EuroCircle was a social network before Facebook or the term social network had even been invented. Still free after more than 10 years and thousands of events in hundreds of cities, EuroCircle welcomes and attracts professionals from London to Los Angeles or New York to Johannesburg.
You also find EuroCircle on Facebook under groups (EuroCircle New York, EuroCircle Los Angeles, EuroCircle Chicago, EuroCircle Atlanta, San Francisco, London etc) as well as on Youtube, Pinterest, Linkedin and Twitter. Facebook fan page is
Our Team

Kaisa Kokkonen

EuroCircle originated as one woman’s dream. Finnish lawyer Kaisa Kokkonen came to New York in 1992 feeling burnt-out and somewhat bored after a ten-year legal career. But it took a while before she decided to stay for good. “I began assimilating to New York life a year and a half after my arrival, only after I finally decided to stay in the US” Kaisa recalls. The internet was still in its infancy.
In 1997 Kaisa began contemplating the idea of some kind of informal online group for European professionals and expats and at the same time started playing with different names for the group until the final name was chosen. It took her another couple of years to build the structure for EuroCircle (Jan 11 1999 was the first event in New York City) and the rest is history. Since then many companies and individual groups have copied EuroCircle in one form or another but never managed to get the concept right.

Christophe Rouchon

Christophe is from Versailles in France. He came to Chicago from London in 1999 where he was working as a derivatives broker for a french Bank. He moved to a creative position in the bank’s Marketing department in Chicago where he designed the company’s brand, intranets and clients portals. After 15 years in the Financial Industry, Christophe joined our team and is now responsible for the EuroCircle brand. He is also enrolled in pre-med as an Honors College student at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Christophe volunteers every week at Northwestern Hospital’s Emergency Department and at UIC’s Finn-Perkins Laboratory with the team researching the interplay and contribution of genetics, miRs and microbiome in obesity, kidney, lung and cardiovascular disease.